Country: | Iceland |
Local Time: | 04:05 AM |
Time Zone: | Atlantic/Reykjavik |
Offset: | UTC+0 |
City Coordinates: | 65°42'N, 21°40'S65.7167, -21.6833 |
Moon and Sun in Hólmavík
Location | Hólmavík, Iceland |
Location Coordinates | 65°42'N, 21°40'S (65.72, -21.68) |
Moon Phase | Waning Crescent |
Moon Zenith Direction | Southeast |
Moon Age | 25.8 day |
Moon Illumination | 14.96% |
Moon Coordinates | 9°0'S, 60°31'N (-9, 60.52) |
Sun Coordinates | 20°44'S, 106°2'N (-20.73, 106.05) |
Moon Distance | 405,447.35 km |
Moon Distance In Ground Between Hólmavík and Moon Zenith Coordinates on Earth | 10,566 km |
Sun Distance In Ground Between Hólmavík and Sun Zenith Coordinates on Earth | 13,780 km |
Sun and Moon Compass from Hólmavík
Sun Direction: 130° Southeast
Moon Direction: 139° Southeast