Nations Geo

Moon Phase in Gdańsk,Poland

Moon Day 13

Moon Phase In Gdańsk

The moon phase currently is Full Moon phase in Gdańsk, Poland as of the 16th of September 2024. Currently, the moon is 26 days old and has 97.41% illumination. The current phase began on Monday, September 16, 2024 and will end on Thursday, September 19, 2024.

Moon Phase In Gdańsk

Moon Day 13
🌕Full Moon
97.41% Of Illumination
Monday, September 16, 2024

Time of moonrise and set

As of today, Monday, September 16, 2024 in Gdańsk, Poland, the moon rises in the east direction at 06:43 PM, and it will set in the west direction at 03:18 AM.

Moon Rise

06:43 PM

Moon Set

03:18 AM

Moon Today in Gdańsk, Poland

Phase 🌕Full Moon
Illumination 97.41%
Moon Age 26 Day
Altitude -40.89°
Angular 31.16°
Period 15 hour and 25 minute
Distance 366,193.60 km

Moon In 24 Hours

Time Age Moonlight (Illumination) Distance
Mon 12:00 AM 12.23 92.91% 368,901.74 km
Mon 01:00 AM 12.28 93.16% 368,758.14 km
Mon 02:00 AM 12.33 93.41% 368,616.09 km
Mon 03:00 AM 12.37 93.66% 368,475.61 km
Mon 04:00 AM 12.42 93.9% 368,336.71 km
Mon 05:00 AM 12.47 94.14% 368,199.41 km
Mon 06:00 AM 12.51 94.37% 368,063.73 km
Mon 07:00 AM 12.56 94.6% 367,929.67 km
Mon 08:00 AM 12.61 94.83% 367,797.27 km
Mon 09:00 AM 12.66 95.05% 367,666.53 km
Mon 10:00 AM 12.7 95.27% 367,537.46 km
Mon 11:00 AM 12.75 95.48% 367,410.09 km
Mon 12:00 PM 12.8 95.69% 367,284.43 km
Mon 01:00 PM 12.85 95.89% 367,160.49 km
Mon 02:00 PM 12.89 96.09% 367,038.28 km
Mon 03:00 PM 12.94 96.28% 366,917.83 km
Mon 04:00 PM 12.99 96.47% 366,799.14 km
Mon 05:00 PM 13.04 96.66% 366,682.22 km
Mon 06:00 PM 13.08 96.84% 366,567.10 km
Mon 07:00 PM 13.13 97.01% 366,453.79 km
Mon 08:00 PM 13.18 97.18% 366,342.30 km
Mon 09:00 PM 13.23 97.35% 366,232.63 km
Mon 10:00 PM 13.28 97.51% 366,124.81 km
Mon 11:00 PM 13.32 97.67% 366,018.85 km

10 Days Moon Phase Forecast

Date Moon Phase Age Moonlight (Illumination)
Mon, 16th Sep 🌔Waxing Gibbous 12.23 92.91%
Mon, 16th Sep, Start at 3 PM 🌕Full Moon 12.94 96.28%
Tue, 17th Sep 🌕Full Moon 13.37 97.82%
Wed, 18th Sep 🌕Full Moon 14.54 99.94%
Thu, 19th Sep 🌕Full Moon 15.71 99%
Thu, 19th Sep, Start at 7 PM 🌖Waning Gibbous 16.63 96.1%
Fri, 20th Sep 🌖Waning Gibbous 16.88 95.04%
Sat, 21st Sep 🌖Waning Gibbous 18.02 88.47%
Sun, 22nd Sep 🌖Waning Gibbous 19.14 79.87%
Mon, 23rd Sep 🌖Waning Gibbous 20.22 69.94%
Mon, 23rd Sep, Start at 2 AM 🌗Last Quarter 20.31 69.08%
Tue, 24th Sep 🌗Last Quarter 21.26 59.35%
Wed, 25th Sep 🌗Last Quarter 22.27 48.67%
Thu, 26th Sep 🌗Last Quarter 23.25 38.37%
Thu, 26th Sep, Start at 7 PM 🌘Waning Crescent 24.01 30.72%