Nations Geo

Moon Direction in Basseterre,Saint Kitts and Nevis

Moon direction from Basseterre

East (E)
100° Degree
Monday, 20 January 2025, 06:36 PM

Current Moon zenith Coordinates





Moon Rise and Set

Moon Rise

11:48 PM110°East Southeast (ESE)

Moon Set

11:01 AM254°West Southwest (WSW)

24 Hour Moon Compass in Istanbul

Local Time Moon Zenith CoordinatesLatitude, Longitude Degree Dircation
12:00 AM 5°50'S, 1°23'N 110° East Southeast (ESE)
01:00 AM 6°4'S, 13°12'S 115° East Southeast (ESE)
02:00 AM 6°17'S, 27°48'S 124° Southeast (SE)
03:00 AM 6°31'S, 42°24'S 139° Southeast (SE)
04:00 AM 6°45'S, 57°0'S 166° South Southeast (SSE)
05:00 AM 6°59'S, 71°36'S 199° South Southwest (SSW)
06:00 AM 7°12'S, 86°12'S 223° Southwest (SW)
07:00 AM 7°26'S, 100°48'S 236° Southwest (SW)
08:00 AM 7°40'S, 115°24'S 244° West Southwest (WSW)
09:00 AM 7°53'S, 130°0'S 249° West Southwest (WSW)
10:00 AM 8°7'S, 144°36'S 252° West Southwest (WSW)
11:00 AM 8°20'S, 159°12'S 254° West Southwest (WSW)
12:00 PM 8°34'S, 173°48'S 256° West Southwest (WSW)
01:00 PM 8°47'S, 171°35'N 258° West Southwest (WSW)
02:00 PM 9°1'S, 157°0'N 259° West (W)
03:00 PM 9°14'S, 142°24'N 260° West (W)
04:00 PM 9°27'S, 127°48'N 260° West (W)
05:00 PM 9°40'S, 113°12'N 98° East (E)
06:00 PM 9°54'S, 98°37'N 99° East (E)
07:00 PM 10°7'S, 84°1'N 100° East (E)
08:00 PM 10°20'S, 69°25'N 101° East (E)
09:00 PM 10°33'S, 54°50'N 103° East Southeast (ESE)
10:00 PM 10°46'S, 40°14'N 105° East Southeast (ESE)
11:00 PM 10°59'S, 25°39'N 107° East Southeast (ESE)