Nations Geo

TogoTogo Dialing code

Togo Country Code (CC) From Abroad

The Togo country code

The Togo country code (E.164) is +228. If you want to contact the Togo number from anywhere in the world, please dial the international number for that country instead of the Togo number. Which is your IDD and the country code with the local number.

Togo Exit Code

International access codes(IDD)

The Exit Code to opining international line from Togo to the board is 00 , you can use pluse + too if your device support typing pluse like mobile.
International Prefix:00Example. 00 [Country Code] [XXXXXXX}

How to Make Phone Calls to Togo?

To make call to Togo you need to type your country exit code like + or 00 then type Togo international dialing code 228 after that and finaly type the phone number you want to call.

How many digit is Togo phone number?

Fixed LineEight Digits.2221XXXX
MobileEight Digits.9011XXXX

Dialing Togo From Other Countries

CountryExit Code(IDD)Example
Benin0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Ghana0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Burkina Faso0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Nigeria009009 228 90 11 2XXXX
Ivory Coast0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
São Tomé and Príncipe0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Mali0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Cameroon0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Liberia0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Equatorial Guinea0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Guinea0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Niger0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Sierra Leone0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Gabon0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Senegal0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Guinea-Bissau0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Republic of the Congo0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
The Gambia0000 228 90 11 2XXXX
Mauritania0000 228 90 11 2XXXX