Nations Geo

South KoreaSouth Korea Dialing code

South Korea Country Code (CC) From Abroad

The South Korea country code

The South Korea country code (E.164) is +82. If you want to contact the South Korea number from anywhere in the world, please dial the international number for that country instead of the South Korea number. Which is your IDD and the country code with the local number.

South Korea Exit Code

International access codes(IDD)

The Exit Code to opining international line from South Korea to the board is 001 or 002 after that type the destination country code and then destination number

How to Make Phone Calls to South Korea?

To make call to South Korea you need to type your country exit code like + or 00 then type South Korea international dialing code 82 after that and finaly type the phone number you want to call.

How many digit is South Korea phone number?

Fixed LineFive, Six, Eight, Nine and Ten Digits.2212XXXX
MobileNine and Ten Digits.102000XXXX
Toll-freeNine, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen Digits.80123XXXX

Note: Fixed line length can be Three, Four and Seven Digits if you dialing another line in the same area.

Dialing South korea From Other Countries

CountryExit Code(IDD)Example
North Korea++82 10-2000-XXXX
Japan010010 82 10-2000-XXXX
Taiwan++82 10-2000-XXXX
China0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Mongolia001001 82 10-2000-XXXX
Philippines0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Vietnam0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Laos0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Palau++82 10-2000-XXXX
Myanmar0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Cambodia++82 10-2000-XXXX
Thailand++82 10-2000-XXXX
Bhutan0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Brunei0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Bangladesh0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Russia8~108~10 82 10-2000-XXXX
Nepal0000 82 10-2000-XXXX
Indonesia++82 10-2000-XXXX
Malaysia0000 82 10-2000-XXXX