Nations Geo

BrazilBrazil Dialing code

Brazil Country Code (CC) From Abroad

The Brazil country code

The Brazil country code (E.164) is +55. If you want to contact the Brazil number from anywhere in the world, please dial the international number for that country instead of the Brazil number. Which is your IDD and the country code with the local number.

Brazil Exit Code

International access codes(IDD)

Calling from Brazil to another country need from you First to choose the operator
International PrefixOperator
0014 or 0031Oi

How to Make Phone Calls to Brazil?

To make call to Brazil you need to type your country exit code like + or 00 then type Brazil international dialing code 55 after that and finaly type the phone number you want to call.

How many digit is Brazil phone number?

Fixed LineTen Digits.112345XXXX
MobileTen and Eleven Digits.1196123XXXX
Toll-freeNine and Ten Digits.80012XXXX

Note: Fixed line length can be Eight Digits if you dialing another line in the same area.

Note: Mobile number length can be Eight and Nine Digits if you dialing another line in the same area.

Dialing Brazil From Other Countries

CountryExit Code(IDD)Example
Paraguay0000 55 11 96123-XXXX
Bolivia++55 11 96123-XXXX
Suriname0000 55 11 96123-XXXX
Uruguay0000 55 11 96123-XXXX
Guyana001001 55 11 96123-XXXX
Argentina0000 55 11 96123-XXXX
Peru0000 55 11 96123-XXXX
Chile++55 11 96123-XXXX
Venezuela0000 55 11 96123-XXXX
Trinidad and Tobago011011 55 11 96123-XXXX
Colombia++55 11 96123-XXXX
Grenada011011 55 11 96123-XXXX
Barbados011011 55 11 96123-XXXX
Ecuador0000 55 11 96123-XXXX
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines011011 55 11 96123-XXXX
Saint Lucia011011 55 11 96123-XXXX
Dominica011011 55 11 96123-XXXX
Antigua and Barbuda011011 55 11 96123-XXXX
Saint Kitts and Nevis011011 55 11 96123-XXXX