Nations Geo


Country: Poland
Local Time: 07:10 PM
Time Zone: Europe/Warsaw
Offset: UTC+1
City Coordinates: 49°26'N, 20°42'N49.4353, 20.7114

Moon and Sun in Piwniczna-Zdrój

Location Piwniczna-Zdrój, Poland
Location Coordinates 49°26'N, 20°42'N (49.44, 20.71)
Moon Phase Waning Crescent
Moon Zenith Direction East Southeast
Moon Age 24.03 day
Moon Illumination 30.54%
Moon Coordinates 27°32'S, 167°56'S (-27.53, -167.94)
Sun Coordinates 9°51'S, 98°41'S (-9.86, -98.69)
Moon Distance 393,782.23 km
Moon Distance In Ground Between Piwniczna-Zdrój and Moon Zenith Coordinates on Earth 17,470 km
Sun Distance In Ground Between Piwniczna-Zdrój and Sun Zenith Coordinates on Earth 12,943 km

Sun and Moon Compass from Piwniczna-Zdrój

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Sun Direction: 240° West Southwest
Moon Direction: 116° East Southeast