Nations Geo

Socorro (santander ),Colombia

Country: Colombia
Local Time: 01:55 AM
Time Zone: America/Bogota
Offset: UTC-5
City Coordinates: 6°28'N, 73°15'S6.4678, -73.2597

Moon and Sun in Socorro (Santander )

Location Socorro (Santander ), Colombia
Location Coordinates 6°28'N, 73°15'S (6.47, -73.26)
Moon Phase First Quarter
Moon Zenith Direction West
Moon Age 7.34 day
Moon Illumination 49.54%
Moon Coordinates 19°55'N, 153°23'N (19.92, 153.38)
Sun Coordinates 15°37'S, 70°5'N (-15.63, 70.1)
Moon Distance 364,593.22 km
Moon Distance In Ground Between Socorro (Santander ) and Moon Zenith Coordinates on Earth 14,131 km
Sun Distance In Ground Between Socorro (Santander ) and Sun Zenith Coordinates on Earth 15,896 km

Sun and Moon Compass from Socorro (Santander )

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Sun Direction: 98° East
Moon Direction: 275° West