Nations Geo

SenegalLocal time in Senegal

Dakar local time

04 : 25 : 14 AM
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Senegal Date And Time Formatting

Name Pattern Local Example
Culture: wo-SN, en-US
Full Date: EEEE, d MMM, y Aseer, 27 Sul, 2024
Long Date: d MMMM, y 27 Sulet, 2024
Medium Date: d MMM, y 27 Sul, 2024
Short Date: dd-MM-y 27-07-2024
Full Time: HH:mm:ss zzzz 04:25:14 GMT (waxtu Greenwich)
Long Time: HH:mm:ss z 04:25:14 GMT
Medium Time: HH:mm:ss 04:25:14
Short Time: HH:mm 04:25
Time Format: 24 Hours Format 04:25
Note: If you want to write the full Date Time for Senegal, you can use both (Full Date + Full Time) together to be EEEE, d MMM, y 'ci' HH:mm:ss zzzz, so the full DateTime will be like
Aseer, 27 Sul, 2024 ci 04:25:14 GMT (waxtu Greenwich)
CultureInfo CultureInfo Class (System.Globalization) | Microsoft Learn

Local Time in the Cities of Senegal

In Senegal, all cities are based on Africa/Dakar Time Zone with an offset of UTC+0. For more information on Time Zone, please visit the Time Zone Map.

City Local Time
Bakel Sat04:25 AM
Bambey Sat04:25 AM
Bargny Sat04:25 AM
Bignona Sat04:25 AM
Bounkiling Sat04:25 AM
Dabo Sat04:25 AM
Dagana Sat04:25 AM
Dahra Sat04:25 AM
Dakar Sat04:25 AM
Diamniadio Sat04:25 AM
Diaobé-Kabendou Sat04:25 AM
Diofior Sat04:25 AM
Diourbel Sat04:25 AM
Fatick Sat04:25 AM
Foundiougne Sat04:25 AM
Gandiaye Sat04:25 AM
Gossas Sat04:25 AM
Goudiry Sat04:25 AM
Goudomp Sat04:25 AM
Guédiawaye Sat04:25 AM
Guinguinéo Sat04:25 AM
Hamady Ounaré Sat04:25 AM
Joal-Fadiouth Sat04:25 AM
Kahone Sat04:25 AM
Kanel Sat04:25 AM
Kaolack Sat04:25 AM
Kébémer Sat04:25 AM
Kédougou Sat04:25 AM
Khombole Sat04:25 AM
Kidira Sat04:25 AM
Kolda Sat04:25 AM
Koumpentoum Sat04:25 AM
Koungheul Sat04:25 AM
Linguère Sat04:25 AM
Louga Sat04:25 AM
M'Bour Sat04:25 AM
Malem Hodar Sat04:25 AM
Matam Sat04:25 AM
Mbacké Sat04:25 AM
Mboro Sat04:25 AM
Meckhe Sat04:25 AM
Médina Yoro Foulah Sat04:25 AM
Ndioum Sat04:25 AM
Nganda Sat04:25 AM
Nguékhokh Sat04:25 AM
Niomré Sat04:25 AM
Nioro du Rip Sat04:25 AM
Ouro Sogui Sat04:25 AM
Oussouye Sat04:25 AM
Pikine Sat04:25 AM
Podor Sat04:25 AM
Pout Sat04:25 AM
Richard Toll Sat04:25 AM
Ross Béthio Sat04:25 AM
Rufisque Sat04:25 AM
Saint-Louis Sat04:25 AM
Salemata Sat04:25 AM
Saly Sat04:25 AM
Sébikotane Sat04:25 AM
Sédhiou Sat04:25 AM
Sokone Sat04:25 AM
Tambacounda Sat04:25 AM
Thiadiaye Sat04:25 AM
Thiès Sat04:25 AM
Thilogne Sat04:25 AM
Tivaouane Sat04:25 AM
Touba Sat04:25 AM
Vélingara Sat04:25 AM
Ziguinchor Sat04:25 AM
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