Indonesia has a different time
Some of the cities may have different time zones, but they have the same offset and because of that they have the same local time.
Offset | Local Time | Example Location |
UTC+9 | Wed 05:56 PM | Jayapura |
UTC+8 | Wed 04:56 PM | Makassar |
UTC+7 | Wed 03:56 PM | Jakarta |
Indonesia Date And Time Formatting
Name | Pattern | Local Example |
Culture: | id-ID, en-US | |
Full Date: | EEEE, dd MMMM y | Rabu, 05 Februari 2025 |
Long Date: | d MMMM y | 5 Februari 2025 |
Medium Date: | d MMM y | 5 Feb 2025 |
Short Date: | dd/MM/yy | 05/02/25 |
Full Time: | zzzz | 15.56.42 Waktu Indonesia Barat |
Long Time: | z | 15.56.42 WIB |
Medium Time: | | 15.56.42 |
Short Time: | | 15.56 |
Time Format: | 24 Hours Format | 15.56 |
Note: If you want to write the full Date Time for Indonesia, you can use both (Full Date + Full Time) together to be EEEE, dd MMMM y 'pukul' zzzz,
so the full DateTime will be like
Rabu, 05 Februari 2025 pukul 15.56.42 Waktu Indonesia Barat
Rabu, 05 Februari 2025 pukul 15.56.42 Waktu Indonesia Barat
CultureInfo CultureInfo Class (System.Globalization) | Microsoft Learn
Local Time in the Cities of Indonesia
There are multiple time zones in Indonesia. Because of this, some Indonesia cities will have different times from other Indonesia cities. To learn more about time zones, visit the Time Zone Map.
City | Local Time |
Ambon | Wed04:56 PM |
Amuntai | Wed04:56 PM |
Bagansiapiapi | Wed03:56 PM |
Balikpapan | Wed04:56 PM |
Banda Aceh | Wed03:56 PM |
Bandar Lampung | Wed03:56 PM |
Bandung | Wed03:56 PM |
Banjarbaru | Wed04:56 PM |
Banjarmasin | Wed04:56 PM |
Batam | Wed03:56 PM |
Batu | Wed03:56 PM |
Bekasi | Wed03:56 PM |
Bengkulu | Wed03:56 PM |
Berastagi | Wed03:56 PM |
Bima | Wed04:56 PM |
Binjai | Wed03:56 PM |
Bireuen | Wed03:56 PM |
Bitung | Wed04:56 PM |
Blitar | Wed03:56 PM |
Bogor | Wed03:56 PM |
Bontang | Wed04:56 PM |
Bukittinggi | Wed03:56 PM |
Cikarang | Wed03:56 PM |
Cilegon | Wed03:56 PM |
Cimahi | Wed03:56 PM |
Cirebon | Wed03:56 PM |
Denpasar | Wed04:56 PM |
Depok | Wed03:56 PM |
Dumai | Wed03:56 PM |
Gorontalo | Wed04:56 PM |
Gunungsitoli | Wed03:56 PM |
Jakarta | Wed03:56 PM |
Jambi | Wed03:56 PM |
Jayapura | Wed05:56 PM |
Kajen | Wed03:56 PM |
Kediri | Wed03:56 PM |
Kendari | Wed04:56 PM |
Kota Mojokerto | Wed03:56 PM |
Kotamobagu | Wed04:56 PM |
Kraksaan | Wed04:56 PM |
Kupang | Wed04:56 PM |
Labuan | Wed03:56 PM |
Langsa | Wed03:56 PM |
Lhokseumawe | Wed03:56 PM |
Lubuk Linggau | Wed03:56 PM |
Magelang | Wed03:56 PM |
Makale | Wed04:56 PM |
Makassar | Wed04:56 PM |
Malang | Wed03:56 PM |
Mamuju | Wed04:56 PM |
Manado | Wed04:56 PM |
Maros | Wed04:56 PM |
Mataram | Wed04:56 PM |
Medan | Wed03:56 PM |
Merak | Wed03:56 PM |
Metro | Wed03:56 PM |
Nusantara | Wed04:56 PM |
Padang Sidempuan | Wed03:56 PM |
Palangkaraya | Wed03:56 PM |
Palembang | Wed03:56 PM |
Palopo | Wed04:56 PM |
Palu | Wed04:56 PM |
Parepare | Wed04:56 PM |
Pasuruan | Wed03:56 PM |
Pekalongan | Wed03:56 PM |
Pekanbaru | Wed03:56 PM |
Pematangsiantar | Wed03:56 PM |
Pontianak | Wed03:56 PM |
Prabumulih | Wed03:56 PM |
Probolinggo | Wed03:56 PM |
Raba | Wed04:56 PM |
Salatiga | Wed03:56 PM |
Samarinda | Wed04:56 PM |
Selat Panjang | Wed03:56 PM |
Semarang | Wed03:56 PM |
Semarapura | Wed04:56 PM |
Singkawang | Wed03:56 PM |
SoE | Wed04:56 PM |
Sorong | Wed05:56 PM |
South Tangerang | Wed03:56 PM |
Sukabumi | Wed03:56 PM |
Sungai Penuh | Wed03:56 PM |
Surabaya | Wed03:56 PM |
Surakarta | Wed03:56 PM |
Tangerang | Wed03:56 PM |
Tanjung Batu | Wed03:56 PM |
Tanjung Pinang | Wed03:56 PM |
Tarakan | Wed04:56 PM |
Tasikmalaya | Wed03:56 PM |
Tebing Tinggi | Wed03:56 PM |
Tegal | Wed03:56 PM |
Tentena | Wed04:56 PM |
Ternate | Wed04:56 PM |
Tidore Islands | Wed04:56 PM |
Ungaran | Wed03:56 PM |
Waiwerang | Wed04:56 PM |
Yogyakarta | Wed03:56 PM |
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