Nations Geo


Country: Poland
Local Time: 10:27 AM
Time Zone: Europe/Warsaw
Offset: UTC+1
City Coordinates: 50°48'N, 20°16'N50.8133, 20.2683

Moon and Sun in Małogoszcz

Location Małogoszcz, Poland
Location Coordinates 50°48'N, 20°16'N (50.81, 20.27)
Moon Phase Last Quarter
Moon Zenith Direction Southwest
Moon Age 23.68 day
Moon Illumination 33.95%
Moon Coordinates 27°21'S, 42°12'S (-27.36, -42.21)
Sun Coordinates 9°59'S, 31°51'N (-9.99, 31.87)
Moon Distance 395,306.79 km
Moon Distance In Ground Between Małogoszcz and Moon Zenith Coordinates on Earth 10,626 km
Sun Distance In Ground Between Małogoszcz and Sun Zenith Coordinates on Earth 6,853 km

Sun and Moon Compass from Małogoszcz

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Sun Direction: 170° South
Moon Direction: 215° Southwest