Country: | Slovenia |
Local Time: | 11:18 PM |
Time Zone: | Europe/Ljubljana |
Offset: | UTC+1 |
City Coordinates: | 45°42'N, 13°50'N45.7, 13.85 |
Moon and Sun in Sežana
Location | Sežana, Slovenia |
Location Coordinates | 45°42'N, 13°50'N (45.7, 13.85) |
Moon Phase | Waning Gibbous |
Moon Zenith Direction | East Southeast |
Moon Age | 18.11 day |
Moon Illumination | 87.86% |
Moon Coordinates | 27°13'N, 56°11'N (27.22, 56.2) |
Sun Coordinates | 19°8'S, 167°53'S (-19.14, -167.89) |
Moon Distance | 380,171.84 km |
Moon Distance In Ground Between Sežana and Moon Zenith Coordinates on Earth | 4,242 km |
Sun Distance In Ground Between Sežana and Sun Zenith Coordinates on Earth | 17,057 km |
Sun and Moon Compass from Sežana
Sun Direction: 111° East Southeast
Moon Direction: 118° East Southeast