Nations Geo

Moon on 3 May 2023

Moon Day 12
🌔Waxing Gibbous

Moon Phase on Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The moon phase on Wednesday, May 03, 2023 was the Waxing Gibbous phase.

On this day the Moon was 12.53 days old and 94.44% illuminated with 0.51° of a angular diameter. From Earth to the moon, the distance was 393,131.50 km, while the moon rising and setting times were 02:20 PM and 01:32 AM, respectively.

Moon All Day Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The moon on Wednesday, May 03, 2023 was start with 91.85 of illuminated and was end with 96.42% of illuminated. While the moon phase was start with Waxing Gibbous after that changed to Full Moon phase in the same day at 10:00 PM.

Time Phase Age(In Days) Moonlight (Illumination) Distance
12:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.04 91.85% 395,236.25 km
01:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.08 92.08% 395,066.13 km
02:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.12 92.31% 394,895.00 km
03:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.16 92.54% 394,722.88 km
04:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.2 92.76% 394,549.78 km
05:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.24 92.98% 394,375.72 km
06:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.29 93.2% 394,200.70 km
07:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.33 93.41% 394,024.75 km
08:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.37 93.62% 393,847.87 km
09:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.41 93.83% 393,670.09 km
10:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.45 94.04% 393,491.42 km
11:00 AM Waxing Gibbous 12.49 94.24% 393,311.86 km
12:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.53 94.44% 393,131.45 km
01:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.57 94.64% 392,950.18 km
02:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.61 94.83% 392,768.09 km
03:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.65 95.02% 392,585.17 km
04:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.69 95.21% 392,401.46 km
05:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.73 95.39% 392,216.95 km
06:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.77 95.57% 392,031.68 km
07:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.81 95.75% 391,845.65 km
08:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.85 95.92% 391,658.88 km
09:00 PM Waxing Gibbous 12.89 96.09% 391,471.38 km
10:00 PM Full Moon 12.94 96.26% 391,283.18 km
11:00 PM Full Moon 12.98 96.42% 391,094.29 km


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Today vs 3 May 2023

Diffrent between today and 3 May 2023

0 years 11 months 22 days