Nations Geo

PalestineLocal time in Palestine

local time

02 : 27 : 14 AM
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is active.

Palestine Date And Time Formatting

Name Pattern Local Example
Culture: ar-SA, en-US
Full Date: EEEE، d MMMM y G السبت، ٢٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٤ م
Long Date: d MMMM y G ٢٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٤ م
Medium Date: d MMM y G ٢٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٤ م
Short Date: d‏/M‏/y GGGGG ٢٧‏/٧‏/٢٠٢٤ م
Full Time: h:mm:ss a zzzz ٢:٢٧:١٤ ص توقيت شرق أوروبا الصيفي
Long Time: h:mm:ss a z ٢:٢٧:١٤ ص غرينتش+٣
Medium Time: h:mm:ss a ٢:٢٧:١٤ ص
Short Time: h:mm a ٢:٢٧ ص
Time Format: 12 Hours Format ٢:٢٧ ص
Note: If you want to write the full Date Time for Palestine, you can use both (Full Date + Full Time) together to be EEEE، d MMMM y G في h:mm:ss a zzzz, so the full DateTime will be like
السبت، ٢٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٤ م في ٢:٢٧:١٤ ص توقيت شرق أوروبا الصيفي
CultureInfo CultureInfo Class (System.Globalization) | Microsoft Learn

Local Time in the Cities of Palestine

There are multiple time zones in Palestine. Because of this, some Palestine cities will have different times from other Palestine cities. To learn more about time zones, visit the Time Zone Map.

City Local Time
Abasan al-Kabera(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Abu Dis(DST) Sat02:27 AM
ad-Dhahiriya(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Ai(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Al-Bireh(DST) Sat02:27 AM
al-Eizariya(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Al-Ram(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Al-Yamun(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Anathoth(DST) Sat02:27 AM
as-Samu(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Bani Na'im(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Bani Suheila(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Beit Hanoun(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Beit Lahia(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Beit Sahour(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Beit Yala(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Beitunia(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Bethlehem(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Deir al-Balah(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Dura, Hebron(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Gaza City(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Halhul(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Hebron(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Idhna(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Jabalia(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Jenin(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Jericho(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Khan Yunis(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Michmash(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Nablus(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Qabatiya(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Qalqilya(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Rafah(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Ramallah(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Rawabi(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Salfit(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Surif(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Tarqumiyah(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Tubas(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Tulkarm(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Ya'bad(DST) Sat02:27 AM
Yatta(DST) Sat02:27 AM
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