Nations Geo

UTC-6 Time Zone

UTC-6 Time Zone offset. Currently, the time is 6 hours behind the universal time of UTC. The current date and time for UTC-6 is Tuesday, March 25, 2025 11:50 AM.

UTC-6 Time zone map

UTC-6 time zone map
Natural Earth Mapping time zones.
Overlay timezones licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Current Time in UTC-6

Note: The current date and time is the same in all countries below.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Countries in the UTC-6 Time Zone

Note: Please note that some countries have multiple time zones..
The current data below is for countries with simple locations in this time zone. In other words, some countries have more than one location in this time zone.

Country Location Time Zone Abbreviation
Belize Belize City America/Belize CST
Canada Beaumont(DST) America/Edmonton MDT
Canada Estevan America/Regina CST
Canada Martensville America/Swift_Current CST
Costa Rica Alajuela America/Costa_Rica CST
Ecuador Puerto Ayora Pacific/Galapagos GALT
El Salvador Ahuachapán America/El_Salvador CST
Guatemala Antigua Guatemala America/Guatemala CST
Honduras Choluteca America/Tegucigalpa CST
Mexico Aguascalientes City America/Bahia_Banderas CST
Mexico Ciudad Mier America/Monterrey CST
Mexico Acajete America/Mexico_City CST
Mexico Chihuahua City America/Chihuahua MST
Mexico Campeche America/Merida CST
Nicaragua Bluefields America/Managua CST
United States Abilene(DST) America/Denver MDT
United States Bellevue(DST) America/Boise MDT
(DST) Daylight Saving Time is active.
Note/ Some of these locations may exist in UTC-6 because it's summertime and Daylight Saving Time is active right now.

Abbreviations in UTC-6

Time Zone Abbreviation Time Zone Name
CST Central Standard Time
MDT Mountain Daylight Time
GALT Galápagos Time
MST Mountain Standard Time