Nations Geo

UzbekistanLocal time in Uzbekistan

Tashkent local time

11 : 56 : 24 AM
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Uzbekistan Date And Time Formatting

Name Pattern Local Example
Culture: uz-Latn-UZ, en-US
Full Date: EEEE, d-MMMM, y shanba, 27-iyul, 2024
Long Date: d-MMMM, y 27-iyul, 2024
Medium Date: d-MMM, y 27-iyl, 2024
Short Date: dd/MM/yy 27/07/24
Full Time: H:mm:ss (zzzz) 11:56:24 (O‘zbekiston standart vaqti)
Long Time: H:mm:ss (z) 11:56:24 (GMT+5)
Medium Time: HH:mm:ss 11:56:24
Short Time: HH:mm 11:56
Time Format: 24 Hours Format 11:56
Note: If you want to write the full Date Time for Uzbekistan, you can use both (Full Date + Full Time) together to be EEEE, d-MMMM, y, H:mm:ss (zzzz), so the full DateTime will be like
shanba, 27-iyul, 2024, 11:56:24 (O‘zbekiston standart vaqti)
CultureInfo CultureInfo Class (System.Globalization) | Microsoft Learn

Local Time in the Cities of Uzbekistan

There are multiple time zones in Uzbekistan. Because of this, some Uzbekistan cities will have different times from other Uzbekistan cities. To learn more about time zones, visit the Time Zone Map.

City Local Time
Andijan Sat11:56 AM
Angren Sat11:56 AM
Bekobod Sat11:56 AM
Boysun Sat11:56 AM
Buka Sat11:56 AM
Bukhara Sat11:56 AM
Chirchiq Sat11:56 AM
Chortoq Sat11:56 AM
Fergana Sat11:56 AM
Gijduvan Sat11:56 AM
Guliston Sat11:56 AM
G‘uzor Sat11:56 AM
Hazorasp Sat11:56 AM
Jizzakh Sat11:56 AM
Juma Sat11:56 AM
Kagan Sat11:56 AM
Katta-Kurgan Sat11:56 AM
Khiva Sat11:56 AM
Kosonsoy Sat11:56 AM
Margilan Sat11:56 AM
Muborak Sat11:56 AM
Namangan Sat11:56 AM
Navoiy Sat11:56 AM
Nukus Sat11:56 AM
Nurafshon Sat11:56 AM
Olmaliq Sat11:56 AM
Qarshi Sat11:56 AM
Qorasuv Sat11:56 AM
Rishton Sat11:56 AM
Samarkand Sat11:56 AM
Shahrisabz Sat11:56 AM
Shargʻun Sat11:56 AM
Tashkent Sat11:56 AM
Termez Sat11:56 AM
Tinchlik Sat11:56 AM
Turtkul Sat11:56 AM
Uchkuduk Sat11:56 AM
Urgench Sat11:56 AM
Urgut Sat11:56 AM
Uychi Sat11:56 AM
Vabkent Sat11:56 AM
Xonobod Sat11:56 AM
Yangiyer Sat11:56 AM
Yangiyo‘l Sat11:56 AM
Yaypan Sat11:56 AM
Zarafshan Sat11:56 AM
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