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BelgiumLocal time in Belgium

Brussels local time

01 : 30 : 12 AM
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is active.

Belgium Date And Time Formatting

Name Pattern Local Example
Culture: fr-BE, nl-BE, en-US
Full Date: EEEE d MMMM y samedi 27 juillet 2024
Long Date: d MMMM y 27 juillet 2024
Medium Date: d MMM y 27 juil. 2024
Short Date: d/MM/yy 27/07/24
Full Time: H 'h' mm 'min' ss 's' zzzz 1 h 30 min 12 s heure d’été d’Europe centrale
Long Time: HH:mm:ss z 01:30:12 UTC+2
Medium Time: HH:mm:ss 01:30:12
Short Time: HH:mm 01:30
Time Format: 24 Hours Format 01:30
Note: If you want to write the full Date Time for Belgium, you can use both (Full Date + Full Time) together to be EEEE d MMMM y 'à' H 'h' mm 'min' ss 's' zzzz, so the full DateTime will be like
samedi 27 juillet 2024 à 1 h 30 min 12 s heure d’été d’Europe centrale
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Local Time in the Cities of Belgium

In Belgium, all cities are based on Europe/Brussels Time Zone with an offset of UTC+2. For more information on Time Zone, please visit the Time Zone Map.

City Local Time
Anderlecht(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Antwerp(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Arlon(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Aubange(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Bruges(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Brussels(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Brussels-Capital Region(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Charleroi(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Genk(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Geraardsbergen(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Ghent(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Graethem(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Hannut(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Hasselt(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Hoegaarden(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Jodoigne(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Kapelhoek(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Landen(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Leuven(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Liège(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Mechelen(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Namur(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Ninove(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Sankt Vith(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Spa(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Tienen(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Tongeren(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Tournai(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Usine Gustave Boël(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Verviers(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Vilvoorde(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Waremme(DST) Sat01:30 AM
Wavre(DST) Sat01:30 AM
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