Nations Geo

United KingdomLocal time in United Kingdom

London local time

01 : 48 : 08 AM
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is active.

United Kingdom Date And Time Formatting

Name Pattern Local Example
Culture: en-GB, en-US
Full Date: EEEE, d MMMM y Saturday, 27 July 2024
Long Date: d MMMM y 27 July 2024
Medium Date: d MMM y 27 Jul 2024
Short Date: dd/MM/y 27/07/2024
Full Time: HH:mm:ss zzzz 01:48:08 British Summer Time
Long Time: HH:mm:ss z 01:48:08 BST
Medium Time: HH:mm:ss 01:48:08
Short Time: HH:mm 01:48
Time Format: 24 Hours Format 01:48
Note: If you want to write the full Date Time for United Kingdom, you can use both (Full Date + Full Time) together to be EEEE, d MMMM y 'at' HH:mm:ss zzzz, so the full DateTime will be like
Saturday, 27 July 2024 at 01:48:08 British Summer Time
CultureInfo CultureInfo Class (System.Globalization) | Microsoft Learn

Local Time in the Cities of United Kingdom

In United Kingdom, all cities are based on Europe/London Time Zone with an offset of UTC+1. For more information on Time Zone, please visit the Time Zone Map.

City Local Time
Aberdeen(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Adamstown(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Armagh(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Bangor(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Basingstoke(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Bath(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Belfast(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Birkenhead(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Birmingham(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Bolton(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Bournemouth(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Bradford(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Brighton(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Brighton and Hove(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Bristol(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Cambridge(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Canterbury(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Cardiff(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Carlisle(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Chelmsford(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Cheltenham(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Chester(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Chichester(DST) Sat01:48 AM
City of London(DST) Sat01:48 AM
City of Westminster(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Cockburn Town(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Coventry(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Derby(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Derry(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Dundee(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Durham(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Eastbourne(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Edinburgh(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Ely(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Exeter(DST) Sat01:48 AM
George Town(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Gibraltar(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Glasgow(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Glevum(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Gloucester(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Hamilton(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Hereford(DST) Sat01:48 AM
High Wycombe(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Huddersfield(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Inverness(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Jamestown(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Kingston upon Hull(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Lancaster(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Leeds(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Leicester(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Lichfield(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Lincoln(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Lisburn(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Liverpool(DST) Sat01:48 AM
London(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Manchester(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Middlesbrough(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Milton Keynes(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Newcastle upon Tyne(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Newport(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Newry(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Norwich(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Nottingham(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Oxford(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Perth(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Peterborough(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Plymouth(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Portsmouth(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Preston(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Ripon(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Rotherham(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Saint Anne(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Salford(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Salisbury(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Sheffield(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Slough(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Solihull(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Southampton(DST) Sat01:48 AM
St Albans(DST) Sat01:48 AM
St Asaph(DST) Sat01:48 AM
St Davids(DST) Sat01:48 AM
St Helens(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Stanley(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Stirling(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Stoke-on-Trent(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Sunderland(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Swansea(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Swindon(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Telford(DST) Sat01:48 AM
The Valley(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Truro(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Wakefield(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Warrington(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Wells(DST) Sat01:48 AM
West Bromwich(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Wigan(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Winchester(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Wolverhampton(DST) Sat01:48 AM
Worcester(DST) Sat01:48 AM
York(DST) Sat01:48 AM
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