Nations Geo

RomaniaRomania Dialing code

Romania Country Code (CC) From Abroad

The Romania country code

The Romania country code (E.164) is +40. If you want to contact the Romania number from anywhere in the world, please dial the international number for that country instead of the Romania number. Which is your IDD and the country code with the local number.

Romania Exit Code

International access codes(IDD)

The Exit Code to opining international line from Romania to the board is 00 , you can use pluse + too if your device support typing pluse like mobile.
International Prefix:00Example. 00 [Country Code] [XXXXXXX}
National Prefix:0Example. 0 XXXXXXXXX

How to Make Phone Calls to Romania?

To make call to Romania you need to type your country exit code like + or 00 then type Romania international dialing code 40 after that and finaly type the phone number you want to call.

How many digit is Romania phone number?

Fixed LineNine Digits.21123XXXX
MobileNine Digits.71203XXXX
Toll-freeNine Digits.80012XXXX

Dialing Romania From Other Countries

CountryExit Code(IDD)Example
Moldova0000 40 712 034XXXX
Bulgaria0000 40 712 034XXXX
Serbia0000 40 712 034XXXX
Hungary0000 40 712 034XXXX
Slovakia0000 40 712 034XXXX
North Macedonia0000 40 712 034XXXX
Montenegro0000 40 712 034XXXX
Bosnia and Herzegovina0000 40 712 034XXXX
Ukraine0~00~0 40 712 034XXXX
Albania0000 40 712 034XXXX
Croatia0000 40 712 034XXXX
Slovenia0000 40 712 034XXXX
Czech Republic0000 40 712 034XXXX
Poland0000 40 712 034XXXX
Greece0000 40 712 034XXXX
Austria0000 40 712 034XXXX
Belarus8~108~10 40 712 034XXXX
San Marino0000 40 712 034XXXX
Lithuania0000 40 712 034XXXX