The current world population of 2025
There are 8,212,802,814 people on Earth today (8.2128 billion) on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, with a growth rate of 0.84% per year, 362,737 births daily, 172,975 deaths daily, and 187,850 population increases daily.
- The world population is growing at a rate of almost 130 people per minute.
- As of the beginning of 2025, the world population was 8,196,980,849.
- There are almost 252 babies born each minute.
- Around the world, there are almost 120 deaths per minute.
- Wednesday, 26 March births 82,212, deaths 39,204 and population growth 42,575.
- March births 9,150,649, deaths 4,363,587 and population growth 4,738,822.
- 2025 births 30,552,161, deaths 14,569,132 and population growth this year 15,821,965.
World Population Past 10 Years
Year | Population (01 Jan) | Natural Change | Growth Rate (%) | Total Population (31 December) |
2024 | 8,126,964,296 | 69,306,089 | 0.85% | 8,196,270,385 |
2023 | 8,056,505,564 | 69,706,819 | 0.87% | 8,126,212,383 |
2022 | 7,986,308,820 | 68,963,756 | 0.86% | 8,055,272,576 |
2021 | 7,920,831,824 | 63,117,289 | 0.80% | 7,983,949,113 |
2020 | 7,851,414,621 | 70,491,460 | 0.90% | 7,921,906,081 |
2019 | 7,771,172,776 | 79,495,645 | 1.02% | 7,850,668,421 |
2018 | 7,688,632,785 | 81,755,549 | 1.06% | 7,770,388,334 |
2017 | 7,602,603,123 | 85,215,165 | 1.12% | 7,687,818,288 |
2016 | 7,514,505,928 | 87,284,578 | 1.16% | 7,601,790,506 |
2015 | 7,426,477,815 | 87,178,336 | 1.17% | 7,513,656,151 |
World Population Growth Rate Past 10 Years
World Population by Continent 2024
Continent | Countries | Population (01 Jan) | Natural Change | Growth Rate (%) | Total Population (31 December) | Equivalent world |
Africa | 54 | 1,496,125,538 | 34,004,772 | 2.27% | 1,530,130,310 | 18.25% |
Asia | 48 | 4,782,988,942 | 28,598,808 | 0.60% | 4,811,587,750 | 58.35% |
Europe | 43 | 720,565,644 | -743,371 | -0.10% | 719,822,273 | 8.79% |
North America | 23 | 606,259,198 | 4,250,883 | 0.70% | 610,510,081 | 7.4% |
Oceania | 14 | 44,964,652 | 519,349 | 1.16% | 45,484,001 | 0.55% |
South America | 12 | 434,023,785 | 2,540,904 | 0.59% | 436,564,689 | 5.29% |
World Population by Region 2024
Region | Countries | Population (01 Jan) | Natural Change | Growth Rate (%) | Total Population (31 December) | Equivalent world |
Africa | 54 | 1,496,125,538 | 34,004,772 | 2.27% | 1,530,130,310 | 18.25% |
Asia | 49 | 4,784,340,779 | 28,611,637 | 0.60% | 4,812,952,416 | 58.37% |
Europe | 42 | 719,213,807 | -756,200 | -0.11% | 718,457,607 | 8.77% |
Latin America and The Caribbean | 33 | 656,264,927 | 4,498,374 | 0.69% | 660,763,301 | 8.01% |
Northern America | 2 | 384,018,056 | 2,293,413 | 0.60% | 386,311,469 | 4.68% |
Oceania | 14 | 44,964,652 | 519,349 | 1.16% | 45,484,001 | 0.55% |
Top 10 Countries in the World by Population 2024
Rank | Iso | Country | Population (31 Dec 2024) | Equivalent world |
1 | IN | India | 1,457,378,393 | 17.62% |
2 | CN | China | 1,417,726,083 | 17.33% |
3 | US | United States | 346,367,320 | 4.2% |
4 | ID | Indonesia | 284,612,473 | 3.44% |
5 | PK | Pakistan | 253,172,865 | 3.04% |
6 | NG | Nigeria | 235,037,754 | 2.81% |
7 | BR | Brazil | 212,420,756 | 2.58% |
8 | BD | Bangladesh | 174,605,159 | 2.1% |
9 | RU | Russia | 144,433,087 | 1.77% |
10 | ET | Ethiopia | 133,720,791 | 1.59% |
Population Monitoring Methods
There are many different ways that can be used to monitor the population. There are some countries that use the field survey method in order to conduct their surveys. In addition to these technologies, there are a number of others that use modern technologies to improve the results of censuses. These include mobile devices, geographical information systems, and the internet. In addition, they improve the speed with which data is obtained, as well as the quality of the results that are obtained.
Anyway we are getting our data from As a trusted source, the United Nations provides us with population data.
Why is the population census so significant?
The concept of a population census has several benefits, the most significant of which are:
- Calculating the population density is necessary in order to obtain detailed information related to the population, and to register it in a logical and systematic manner.
- The data and statistics collected will be used in future decisions and development plans.
- The general distribution of government funds, as well as their importance in academic research and commercial markets.
- Contribute to the understanding of statistics in other countries.
- Helps increase the number of people receiving private assistance.
- The census helps with the equitable distribution of funds.
- Public funds, where a portion of public funds are allocated to the population only.
How accurate are the census numbers?
It is a direct source of information that the United Nations provides to us freely, and that data and statistics are constantly updated. Sources V.27 Edition
The 2022 Revision of World Population Prospects is the twenty-seventh edition of official United Nations population estimates and projections that have been prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat.
- The 2022 Revision of World Population Prospects (V.27 Edition) Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.
- You can use UN Population Division Data Portal to Interactive access to global Data.
- The United Nations described their sources and how they continue to update the data United Nations Data Sources, Our team continues to work with the UN portal and keep our database synchronized with UN data.