Local Name: | ARالجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية |
Capital: | Algiers |
ISO2: | DZ |
ISO3: | DZA |
Emoji: | 🇩🇿 |
Population: | 47,163,915 |
Languages: | AR Arabic with another 1 languages |
Algeria is a country located in Northern Africa.
Continent: | Africa |
Region: | Africa |
Sub Region: | Northern Africa › Middle East & North Africa |
Area: | 2,381,741.00 Square Kilometers 1,480,261.65 Square Miles |
Share of world land: | 1.605747% |
Share of Africa land: | 7.842414% |
Geographic Coordinates: | 28°0'N, 1°0'N |
Latitude: | 28.0 |
Longitude: | 1.0 |
Share of world land
Share of Africa land
The countries border Algeria
Algeria shares its borders with 8 neighbouring countries.Those countries are listed in the table below with their direction from the center of Algeria.
Border Country | Degree | Direction |
Libya | 94° | East |
Mauritania | 237° | West Southwest |
Morocco | 303° | West-Northwest |
Niger | 142° | Southeast |
Spain | 343° | North Northwest |
Italy | 32° | North Northeast |
Mali | 202° | South Southwest |
Tunisia | 52° | Northeast |
Cities Of Algeria
- 🖈Adrar
- 🖈Aflou
- 🖈Aïn Beïda
- 🖈Algiers
- 🖈Annaba
- 🖈Arzew
- 🖈Batna
- 🖈Béchar
- 🖈Beniane
- 🖈Biskra
- 🖈Blida
- 🖈Bordj Bou Arrér...
- 🖈Bouïra
- 🖈Boumerdès
- 🖈Brezina
- 🖈Chelghoum Laïd
- 🖈Chlef
- 🖈Constantine
- 🖈Djanet
- 🖈Djelfa
- 🖈El Oued
- 🖈El Taref
- 🖈Ghardaia
- 🖈Gharrous
- 🖈Guittena
- 🖈Iomnium
- 🖈Khenchela
- 🖈Mascara
- 🖈Médéa
- 🖈Mostaganem
- 🖈Oran
- 🖈Ouargla
- 🖈Oum El Bouaghi
- 🖈Sétif
- 🖈Sidi Abdelaziz
- 🖈Sidi Bel Abbès
- 🖈Skikda
- 🖈Talla Barbacha ...
- 🖈Tamanrasset
- 🖈Tébessa
- 🖈Tighennif
- 🖈Tissemsilt
- 🖈Tlemcen
- 🖈Touggourt